Thursday, September 2, 2010


What is a midlet?
Applet- java component dat runs on the web page
Servlet- Java component that runs on a server
Midlet – Java component that runs on a mobile

Basic code we get when we open the class....
package hello;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class lastweek extends MIDlet {//needs to extends the midlet class
    public void startApp() {
    public void pauseApp() {
    public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {

watch demo - youtube
Phrase development
1.                   find project path
2.                   goto dist folder
3.                   locate .Jar file
4.                   send file to phone

User-interface requirements for small handheld devices are different from personal computers. Because comparatively the display size of handheld devices is smaller. That’s why, we cannot follow the personal computers user-interface programming guidelines for handheld devices. In J2ME,the CLDC itself does not define any GUI functionality. The official GUI classes for the J2ME are included in profiles such as the MIDP and are defined by the Java Community Process (JCP). The GUI classes in the MIDP are not based on the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). The limited CPU memory of handheld devices, cannot handle the AWT. The MIDP contains its own GUI guidelines. The MIDP GUI consists of high-level and low-level APIs, each with their own set of events. Here we are going to discuss about only High-level API’s.
Contents: (This one itself shows the Device Display Heirarchy)
  • Display Object
    • Displayable Object
  • DISPLAYABLE : Screen Object
    • TextBox Object
    • Alert Object
    • List Object
    • Form Object
  • FORM : Item Object
    • ChoiceGroup Object
    • DateField Object
    • Guage Object
    • Image and ImageItem Object
    • StringItem Object
    • TextField Object                                                                                                                      More Info-Visit

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